Author: Igor Bojovic

Director: Predrag Stojmenovic

Total design: Irina Somborac
Composer : Nenad Kojić
Stage movement and choreography: Mirko Knežević
Animation Associate: Zorana Milošaković-Tasić 

Assistant director: Budimir Stošić
Assistant Costume Designer: Sanja Rajić

Cast: Little Red Riding Hood, Chicken, Raven: Brankica Sebastijanović Wolf, Bird, Raven: Đorđe Kreća Grandma, Mom, Bird: Maria Pantin Hunter, bird, raven: Nikola Randjelovic


We all know the story, Little Red Riding Hood goes to the forest to see his sick grandmother, but the evil wolf is hungry and has other plans. Igor Bojović's adaptation is an imaginative combination of a classic fairy tale and modern times. Deviating from the somewhat darker and more sinister tone of the original fairy tale, the play focuses us on the themes of friendship, love and courage through verses and witty dialogues. In our play, the chattering forest birds are the narrators and directors of the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood. By looking at the story from their point of view, the situations become more entertaining and accessible to young audiences. The new interpretation reminds us that some things are universal, no matter how much the world has changed, and proof that classic fairy tales never go out of style.

Predrag Stojmenović, director

 4+ y.

 40 '